Bridger Valley, located 38 miles east of Evanston, consists of the small towns of Mountain View, Lyman, Urie, and Fort Bridger. The region is steeped in frontier history, which it celebrates and honors each year at the Mountain
Man Rendezvous held at the Historic Fort Bridger (established in 1943).
For over a century the area has served as crossroads for the “California/Oregon Trail, the Mormon Trail, the Pony Express Route, the Transcontinental Railroad, and the Lincoln Highway. Today, the valley encases the approximately 20 mile Bridger Valley Historic Byway showcasing some of Wyoming’s most treasured historical sites.
Relocation Services:
Visit “Utilities & Government Services” and “Schools” for listings and links to those specific Relocation Services. All other services, event & activity listings to assist you in relocating to Evanston are listed below. Click on the images (or text link) to go to business or organization websites.